Complaint Policy

Complaints Policy:

  1. The complainant chooses a complaint policy form from the journal's website, then the complainant fills  this formand sends it by the email below.

  2. The Editor- in Chief receives all remarks and complaints and acknowledges the receipt of all complaints. 

  3. The complaint is appraised by both the Editorial Board and Editorial Secretary to handle complaints, investigate the claims and resolve them quickly.

  4. The Editor- in Chief takes the responsibility of making recommendations for the system improvement, and the procedures should discuss this with journal editors and staff as well.

  5. The Editor- in Chief sends  clarifications and information to the author submitting the complaint.



The Objectives of  Complaints Policy:

The objectives of this policy is to ensure that complaints are dealt with in a fair and careful manner. The Journal complaints management system aims at: 
1- Facilitates the efficient response to problems raised by the complainants in short time and effective manner.

2- Enhancing the confidence of authors in (QJHS) publishing process.
3- Affording quality improvements in the journal products, services, staff members, and complaints policy management.

For any complaints please contact us through the following website: