The relationship between politics and religion from the point of view of the Arab play

  • د.هاشم صيهود محمد المياحي كلية التربية / جامعة بابل
Keywords: Arab play - cleric and politics - symbolic - theater literature


        The relationship between politics represented by the "authority" and "religion" represented by the man of religion or what is known as the "jurist" or "the scholar of religion" is a milestone in the structure of human society in general and Arab society in particular. This dialectical relationship is reflected positively and once again negatively on the reality of society according to the requirements of the stage in which the Arab person lives.
The symbolism of (the clergyman) is going in two directions in the Arab play, the first direction is the direction of goodness and the second direction is the direction of evil, or let us say that our religious Arab society was defined through two categories, one that preserved the spirit of the law and walked through the obligations of religion in a whole way through spiritual purification and enlightened psychological purity. There is no dust on it, and a misguided group .. It took advantage of knowledge and Sharia law, so it claimed that it is for the public, which must adopt the sciences, statutes, laws and laws to control its movements and restrict its actions in everything, in acts of worship and in transactions alike. In other words, she wore the robe of authority and this research wanted to diagnose the limits of the relationship between the two (authority) and (religion) through caution and good dealing with the religious and political personality together, which is required by the work of the theater writer as a creator on the one hand and a critic and critic of the negatives of his society and see them on the other hand          


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How to Cite
صيهود محمد المياحيد. (2020). The relationship between politics and religion from the point of view of the Arab play. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(4), 258-274. Retrieved from