The correlation between artistic aesthetic development and digital arts technology

  • أ.م.د.نضال كاظم مطر الربيعي معهد الفنون التطبيقية/ الجامعة التقنية الوسطى
Keywords: pragmatic philosophy aesthetic formation, artistic formation


studying developments that have different artistic outcomes and works. Among them is the pragmatic philosophy of linking theory and practice. It deals with art and aesthetic attitudes towards supremacy and perfection to keep pace with daily life.                     
     The various forms in nature are embodied by the elements of aesthetic formation, including lines, volumes, surfaces and colors, which are distinguished by aesthetic and expressive values ​​and iconographic interpretative connotations. Each of them is extremely important in the artistic formation, directing and presentation. It carries with it a message to the recipient who adopts the elements, shapes and symbols, evidence for monitoring, analysis, interpretation, interpretation, taste and critical dialectic. All of this attracted the researcher's interest in monitoring and revealing the relationship between elements and shapes and their effect on each other, and its reflection on the overall shape of the artistic product and the digital art product. Which reflects the technical and digital developments in the field of arts and design, which the world witnesses in the cultural and material aspects of all societies and in all fields. In turn, a change occurs in the nature of the raw materials used and their formulations to give the final shape in line with the general development of the prevailing taste. These developments significantly depend on the customs, cultures, and lifestyles of peoples. And linking them to the cognitive fields of the arts to reach the integrative complementarity between theories and concepts of art and beauty they have.                              


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How to Cite
كاظم مطر الربيعيأ. (2020). The correlation between artistic aesthetic development and digital arts technology. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(4), 337-363. Retrieved from