The technical elements of Islamic minarets

  • أ.م.د. جبار حميدي محيسن الربيعي Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
  • م.د. عبد الحمزة عبد الأمير عبدالحسين Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
Keywords: metal technical elements architectural elements


The current research includes: (the technical elements of Islamic minarets) four chapters, the first chapter dealt with the methodological framework of the research, which specializes in the research problem through which the researcher seeks to define the following questions: What are the concepts, what are the functions and architectural elements related to building mosques and their minarets during successive Islamic eras? The first chapter included the importance and need for research, which focused on:
 A- Know the reasons for building minarets in mosques and record their history.
 B - Knowing the rules and functions of minarets in Islamic mosques targeted in the research.
 T-Identify some patterns or styles used in the design and construction of minarets in Islamic mosques. The first chapter also included the limits of the research with the definition of terms related to the title of the research. The second chapter included the theoretical framework for research, and it dealt with the values ​​and concepts in Islamic architecture, such as the heritage concept, the artistic and aesthetic concept, the material concept and the spiritual concept of the Islamic minaret, in addition to: the technical elements in the design of the Islamic minaret. The third chapter dealt with research procedures, which included:
1- Research community. It included a diverse group consisting of (15) minarets from the minarets of Islamic mosques.
2- The research sample. The research sample included (6) selected models of minarets for mosques from different Islamic regions.
3- Research methodology.
4- Research tool.
5- Analysis of the research sample.


1Jean-Francois Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, trans.s Geoff Bennington & Brian Massumi (Manchester Univ. Press, 1984), 3.
2Christopher Donaldson, Ian N. Gregory, and Patricia Murrieta-Flores, "Mapping ‘Wordsworthshire’: A GIS Study of Literary Tourism in Victorian Lakeland", in Journal of Victorian Culture (Vol. 20, September 2015), 287.
3Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology, trans. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1967 rep. 1997),140.
4Jacques Derrida, "The Supplement of Copula: Philosophy before Linguistics", Margins of Philosophy, trans. Alan Bass (Sussex: The Harvester Press, 1972 rep. 1986), 189.
5Roland Barthes, S/Z, trans. Richard Miller (Oxford: Blackwell, 1974 rep. 2002), 4.
6Martin Heidegger, Poetry, Language, Thought, trans. Albert Hofstadter (New York: Harperperennial Modern Classic, 1971 rep. 2001), 143.
7Ibid., 145.
8The Epic of Gilgamesh, trans. Maureen Gallery Kovacs, electronic edition by Wolf Carnahan, I998 & Homer's The Odyssey, trans. Robert Fagles.
9Frank C. Bray, The World of Myths: A Dictionary of mythology (New Delhi: Indigo Books, 2006), 148.
10Walter Burkert, The Orientalizing Revolution. Near Eastern Influence on Greek Culture in the Early Archaic Age. trans. Margaret E. Pinder (London: Harvard Univ. Press, 1992), 88.
11Gezna Gertruida de VillIEiers, "Understanding Gilgamesh: His World and His Story," (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Pretoria, 2004), 11.
12Wolfgang Geisthovel, Homer's Mediterranean: From Troy to Ithaca Homeric Journeys, trans. Anthea Bell (London: Haus Publishing, 2007), xii.
13Heidegger, 146.
How to Cite
حميدي محيسن الربيعيأ. ج., & عبد الأمير عبدالحسينم. ع. ا. (2020). The technical elements of Islamic minarets. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(4), 15-25. Retrieved from