The effect of psychological drama in reducing anxiety levels among students in the completed grades

  • م.د معيبد خلف راشد معهد الفنون الجميلة للبنين / مديرية تربية البصرة
Keywords: psychological drama social problems, anxiety


The psychological drama was employed for the purpose of finding a therapeutic program that works to alleviate the degrees of anxiety that afflict students, especially the ending stages, and through an analogous method whose idea is that the student will re-represent his psychological, social and behavioral problems automatically and freely, allowing him to reactively vent from what is going on with his experiences through some of the techniques he uses The therapist (the researcher) for the purpose of giving the opportunity to self-insight, greed and simulation, with the aim of a shift from one behavior to another or the occurrence of psychological compatibility with him.
Through the foregoing, the researcher relied on establishing the topic of the tagged research (the effect of psychological drama in reducing anxiety levels among students at the ending grades ((medium flame for boys as a model))), where the study came in four chapters drafted as follows: -
The first chapter: is the methodological framework of the study. The researcher addressed the research problem, which resulted in the following question (Can psychological drama as a psychological-dramatic system work in reducing degrees of anxiety among students of the finished classes?)
Then the researcher moved to the importance of the research, the aims of the research, its limits and the definition of terms, as they adopted linguistic and idiomatic definitions of the term psychological drama and anxiety factor, depending on the procedural definition of psychological drama: as a therapeutic psychological group-based method based on student activity through a theatrical acting representation and free verbal expression, which provides an opportunity for venting Emotional and self-insight, for some psychological pressures various aspects, especially anxiety, for the purpose of confronting it and understanding it dramatically.                               
As for the second chapter, which is the theoretical framework, only two topics were mentioned:
1- Psychological drama - its elements - its works                                       
2- The concept of anxiety and its psychological works                         


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How to Cite
خلف راشدم. م. (2020). The effect of psychological drama in reducing anxiety levels among students in the completed grades. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(4), 311-336. Retrieved from