Spatial analysis of secondary education services in the Shafi’i district, using the geographic information systems technology (GIS)

  • م . م دنيا شكر عباس النجار جامعة بابل / كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية
  • حسين اسماعيل يحيى جامعة البصرة / كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية
Keywords: cities secondary education, planning, information


Most of the Iraqi cities in general and the Shafei area suffer in particular from the problems and challenges in the secondary education services represented by the poor spatial distribution of these services and their inadequacy with the standards of the Iraqi Ministry of Planning in its distribution and respect for population growth. Shafi'i using the GIS technique).

The objective of the research was to identify the reality of the spatial distribution of secondary education services and determine their efficiency based on educational criteria, as well as to determine the characteristics of the spatial distribution of secondary education services using GIS technology. There was a clear shortage in the distribution of educational services. Take local planning standards into account. The researchers found a number of conclusions and recommendations, including the possibility of using GIS software to analyze spatial distribution characteristics of secondary education services, providing spatial information that helps decision makers diagnose problems and provide alternatives to address them.


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How to Cite
شكر عباس النجارم. . م. د., & اسماعيل يحيىح. (2020). Spatial analysis of secondary education services in the Shafi’i district, using the geographic information systems technology (GIS). Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 21(4), 94-113. Retrieved from