Evaluating the spatial suitability of electric power plants in Al-Qadisiyah governorate using GIS

  • أ.م.د. عباس فاضل عبيد الطائي Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
Keywords: electric power spatial development, geographic location


The method of assessing the spatial relevance of the ability to recognize the degree of success of production projects and services, including industrial projects in their existing positions, because this method depends on the quantitative method and the use of satellite images and databases and analysis of automated measurement of the spatial value of projects in the light of the set of standards that include the elements of production Input and discharge of outputs) and avoid the effects and negative effects, and thus can be compared between a range of productive and service projects or between the use of another within a geographical area or one or two different regions, also helps this method Knowing the appropriateness of the places for the future projects by assessing their ability to provide the requirements of the project and its continuation and development based on its current characteristics and then the ability of these characteristics to contribute to spatial development alongside the uses prevailing in that place. Planners to be able to develop plans for investment and development in each region according to the degree of success and what requires each of them to rise and grow.

The research to highlight the concepts related to spatial relevance and spatial development, and then to delve into the suitability of the geographical location of each power station in the province of Qadisiya based on the ownership of each location of spatial characteristics reflect the degree of suitability to use in the end of stations, To establish a power station next to the refinery of Diwaniyah oil based on the characteristics of spatial components, and adopted a set of criteria in measuring the degree of relevance to each of the sites of the current stations and the proposed location using geographic information systems and field study, The research through thinking and reasoning to a series of results, the most important: The power plants in the province of Qadisiya have varied in the degree of spatial relevance of each of them as the two diesel stations (51) degrees of one hundred each, and gas station has got (67) While the site registered the candidate (92) degree.


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How to Cite
فاضل عبيد الطائيأ. ع. (2020). Evaluating the spatial suitability of electric power plants in Al-Qadisiyah governorate using GIS. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 21(4), 322-343. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/164