The use of Remote Sensing techniques in studying the manifestations of desertification for the period (2000 – 2013) " Nineveh Governorateُs Island as a model"

  • م.م. محمد طارق حامد العبيدي جامعة الموصل / كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية/ قسم الجغرافية
  • م.م. مهند حمدون جرجيس جامعة الموصل / كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية/ قسم الجغرافية
Keywords: sensor techniques manifestations, desertification, information


            The research aims to use remote sensing techniques in the study of the manifestations of desertification for the period 2000 - 2013 in the (Nineveh  Governorateُs  Island as a model ) . A map of the earth cover (2000) and (2013) is designed, classified and analyzed using contemporary geo-technology , As the land cover is classified for the year 2000 to five categories: (Vegetation, arid land, wind deposits, sand dunes, saline areas) The total area of each category  was got  to (4830,26, 5804,29, 9885.52, 5506.82, 500.11) km2 respectively (17.86, 21.46, 36.55, 20.36 and 1.85%) respectively, While the area and proportions of manifestations of desertification increased in 2013, which led to its spread in the study area, The areas (vegetation cover, barren land, wind deposits, sand dunes, saline areas) constituted (2023,24, 6343.52, 10253.53, 7398.41, 800.20 )2 km respectively (7,48, 7,48, 37.91, 27.35, 2.96%), respectively, of the total land cover ratios for 2013 . The results revealed that there were clear changes in the prevalence of desertification in the study area, The study also found the establishment of geological layers and their design and construction using geographic information systems through which a map of the degrees of desertification risk was designed based on the spatial analysis model to reach several conclusions and recommendations to address the worsening manifestations of desertification in the study area .


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How to Cite
طارق حامد العبيديم. م., & حمدون جرجيسم. م. (2020). The use of Remote Sensing techniques in studying the manifestations of desertification for the period (2000 – 2013) " Nineveh Governorateُs Island as a model". Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 21(4), 344-362. Retrieved from