Modern technologies and their role in measuring the course of the Euphrates River between the Hindiya dam and the Kufa dam using GIS

  • أ.م عواد علي سهر الجامعة التقنية الوسطى /المعهد التقني كوت
  • أ.م.د ضياء الدين عبد الحسين عويد القريشي جامعة واسط /كلية التربية
  • أ.د ناصر والي فريح الركابي جامعة واسط /كلية التربية
Keywords: measurement of changes GIS, global signature system


Modern digital technologies are considered one of the most important techniques used in the information fields. The scientific revolution in the field of applying digital technologies has made great strides in the field of database management and the study of the geographical location, which is the basis and the truth that distinguishes information related to a specific field from others and to achieve the utmost flexibility and ease in Application. The main pillars of modern techniques used in the field of spatial planning and supported techniques for digital analysis are the representation of a homogeneous database of geographical information, which includes linear data (Vector) old maps and data (Raster) from satellite images and descriptive information (Attributes) and software used from R2V to image procure, Erdas and GPS in updating the information. The study of the phenomenon of changing river streams is a continuous phenomenon with changes in river level levels and internal terrestrial movements and its role in changing the course of the river. Therefore, a longitudinal section of the course of the Euphrates River was identified between the Al-Hindiya dam and the Kufa dam, which is the sedimentary part of the river where four changes were recorded for the course of the Euphrates River in the region. Modern techniques in determining it, measuring the rate of change and the resulting surface appearances, determining the areas of erosion and sedimentation in the region, calculating the area and numbers of river islands, torsions and turns in the area, and some or examples of them were taken as a criterion for the study.


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How to Cite
علي سهرأ. ع., عبد الحسين عويد القريشيأ. ض. ا., & والي فريح الركابيأ. ن. (2020). Modern technologies and their role in measuring the course of the Euphrates River between the Hindiya dam and the Kufa dam using GIS. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 21(4), 380-410. Retrieved from