The effect of the environment on the formulation of the popular example Social analytical study

  • Dr. Talib Abdul Redha Ketan University of Al-Qadisiyah
  • Ibtisam redha Sabri Younis University of Al-Qadisiyah
Keywords: The environment, Popular saying, Educational dimensions


 The research and educational dimensions of popular proverbs in the city of Kut, as part of our heritage beautiful, a carrier of popular heritage, and aphorisms popular part of this heritage, it is a mirror reflective of different people's life experiences, as they developed the rules and the basis of an individual in order to evaluate and stability of society where one reasons that encouraged the selection of the study and follow-up work in it in order to provide a vision about the importance of popular sayings on the mind guides and mechanics of the behavior of the individual, which is itself the story of the attitude of the life of Troy wonderful Bsrdih express specific event time and place, and to achieve this research has been used m Field survey approaches and descriptive analytical method, and the use of the questionnaire to gather information, and to conduct aphorisms analysis process has been relying on the method of analysis of social qualitative and quantitative, and for field results, use the following: frequencies, percentages statistical methods percentage, arithmetic average.


Author Biographies

Dr. Talib Abdul Redha Ketan, University of Al-Qadisiyah

College of Arts / University of Qadisiyah

Ibtisam redha Sabri Younis, University of Al-Qadisiyah

College of Arts / University of Qadisiyah


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How to Cite
Abdul Redha Ketan, D. T., & Sabri Younis, I. (2020). The effect of the environment on the formulation of the popular example Social analytical study. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 23(1), 30-44. Retrieved from