Use of remote sensing technologies and geographic information systems in preparing soil salinity maps for the Dalmaj marsh in Al-Qadisiyah Governorate

  • salah . M. S. Al-Atab Basrah university
  • Abbas T, Attya Al-Diwaniyah Agriculture Directorate
Keywords: Pedon(an ahool for test),, salinity map(the pointofsilt)


        The study was conducted in Al-Dalamjs marsh, which is located in the northeastern part of Al-Diwaniyah governorate, between Al-Diwaniyah and Wasit provinces, and it follows the administrative district of Afak, specifically the north of the district. Its area is estimated at 120,000 donams, which located between latitudes 32.20 and 32.00, and longitudes 45.20 and 45.40 (general estuary). For the purpose of preparing a map of soil salinity based on the values ​​of the salt index after testing several equations for its estimation and the values ​​of the modified vegetation, where the region was divided into four classes depending on spectral reflectivity. Pedons were made that described morphologocaly, soil sample were taken from surface and auger hole to measure electrical conductivity. The results showed the possibility of relying on the techniques of remote sensing and geographic information systems in preparing the soil salinity map for the studied area and with a highly significant determination parameter of 0.93 as the study area was divided into four classes that ranged between low salinity and which constituted a percentage of 38.4% of the study area and the moderate salinity and formed With a limit of 28.8%, and the class of saline soils accounted for 12% and the highly saline variety, which constituted around 20.2% of the study area, and these results correspond to the distribution of vegetation cover of the region.

Author Biographies

salah . M. S. Al-Atab, Basrah university

Agriculture college/ Basrah university

Abbas T, Attya, Al-Diwaniyah Agriculture Directorate

Al-Diwaniyah Agriculture Directorate


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How to Cite
. M. S. Al-Atab, salah, & T, Attya, A. (2020). Use of remote sensing technologies and geographic information systems in preparing soil salinity maps for the Dalmaj marsh in Al-Qadisiyah Governorate. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 23(1), 84-92. Retrieved from