Engagement Patterns in Engineering Academic Writing

  • Muna Abdualhussein Swear University of Technology
Keywords: Engagement, Heteroglossic, Engagement, , Contractive patterns, Expansive writing


 In this study, the Heteroglossic-Engagement patterns are identified in 20MRAswritten in English by Iraqi academic researchers and publishedin Engineering and technology journal which issued in the University of Technology. The study aims at exploring the construal of Engagement in academic writing.  In doing so, a comprehensive manual analysis has been done by using Engagement subsystem of Martin and White (2005) appraisal framework. The study investigates how the academic researchers can manipulate Heteroglossic patterns to engage with the alternative voices in the text in order to discuss, challenge, or advocate these studies. The findings showthe predominant of Contractive patternscomparedwith the Expansive patterns. The study avoids generalization and recommends a large corpus study to indicate more linguistic variation.

Author Biography

Muna Abdualhussein Swear, University of Technology

University of Technology –Iraq


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How to Cite
Abdualhussein Swear, M. (2020). Engagement Patterns in Engineering Academic Writing. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 23(1), 368-378. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/216