Social intelligence and teaching proficiency for the university professor A field study of a sample of students at Muthanna University

  • KEFAA ANAIM HANTOOSH Al-Muthanna University
Keywords: intelligence, social intelligence, competence, university professor, teaching


The current research aims to try to highlight the importance of the skill of social interaction between the student and the professor to reach educational goals. And see if there is a relationship between social intelligence and professor proficiency in teaching. The research was based on the descriptive and social survey methods in both theoretical and field aspects. The type of random stratified sample, consisting of (297) respondents from the total number of students of the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences at the University of Muthanna. The most important conclusions reached by the research:                                                                                                                            

1-There is a close link between social intelligence and the efficiency of teaching.

2- the profession of teaching professions that need another type of intelligence other than mental intelligence, such as social intelligence. The need for the university professor to carry social intelligence characterized by the ability to interact with students.

3-The ability of the university professor in the delivery of information in an easy and smooth way does not depend on obtaining the highest degree or scientific rank, but depends on the efficiency and skill in performance.

4-The need for the university professor to have social intelligence in all disciplines, whether scientific or human.

The researcher made a number of recommendations, the most important of which are:

 1- Holding special courses to develop the efficiency of performance and special development of social intelligence at the university teaching.                                       .   

2-to give the subject of social intelligence an appropriate degree of importance in the programs of preparation and training of teaching. And develop programs aimed at the development of social intelligence of the teaching.                                                                                                          

3-Training the teaching on modern teaching methods and use them in teaching, and clarify the negatives of non-interactive methods with students that prevent and hinder student interaction with the professor and absorb the scientific material.                                                                                            

4-activating the role of social institutions starting with the family institution and its role in taking responsibility towards its children through the development of social intelligence to them, and through the other institution                                                                

Author Biography

KEFAA ANAIM HANTOOSH, Al-Muthanna University

College of Arts / Al-Muthanna University


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How to Cite
ANAIM HANTOOSH, K. (2020). Social intelligence and teaching proficiency for the university professor A field study of a sample of students at Muthanna University. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 23(2), 133-159. Retrieved from