Philanthropy and its relationship to (Possession - being) among the shareholders in the institutions of social solidarity

  • Assistant Prof. SALAM HASHIM HAFEDH University of Al-Qadisiyah
  • HUSSEIN AQEEL ABDUL-AMIR JASSIM University of Al-Qadisiyah
Keywords: philanthropy, Possession, Being, altruistic, university, style, charity, Behavior


According to the justifications for the current study represented by the necessity of studying the human side (Philanthropy) in the reality of the Iraqi society’s movement and in light of the current state of this society, and the relationship of this human side with two basic directions of human existence represented by (Possession - Being), as well as other justifications included in the current study, where it was represented The objectives of this study are to identify the correlation between Philanthropy according to the theoretical framework of (Bekkers, Wiepking, 2007), and (Possession - Being) according to the theoretical framework of (E.Fomm, 1989), and through the following:

  1. Measuring the benevolence of the shareholders in the institutions of social solidarity.
  2. The significance of the statistical differences in charity for the shareholders in the institutions of social solidarity is defined according to two variables (gender and marital status).
  3. Measuring (Possession - Being) among the shareholders in the institutions of social solidarity
  4. The significance of the statistical differences in (Possession - Being) among the shareholders in the institutions of social solidarity is defined according to two variables (gender and marital status).
  5. Know the correlation between charity and (Possession - Being) among the shareholders in the institutions of social solidarity.
  6. Know the extent of the contribution (Possession - Being) to the

emergence of charity among the shareholders in the institutions of social solidarity.

Where the current study population included the shareholders in the institutions of social solidarity in the city of Diwaniyah, male and female, according to the marital status (single - married) for the period from 8-11-2019 until 1-2-2020.

To achieve the goals of the current study, the researcher has done the following:

  1. Building a measure of Philanthropy according to the theoretical framework of (Bekkers, Wiepking, 2007), which was corrupted in its final form of 44 paragraphs with five alternatives to answer according to Likert's method after a set of procedures to be characterized by the psychometric properties required in psychological measures of validity and reliability , and its paragraphs were distributed in eight areas They are: (awareness of need), (solicitation or pleading), (psychological benefits), (reputation), (values), (altruism), (efficiency or effectiveness of giving), (costs and benefits).
  2. Building a scale of (ownership - being) according to the theoretical framework of (E. Fromm, 1989), which was corrupted in its final form of 32 paragraphs after completing its terms of the characteristics required by psychological standards of validity and reliability, and the paragraphs of the scale were formulated as hypothetical positions for each There are two alternatives to the answer, one of which represents the method or approach of ownership, while the other option represents the direction of being.

The two measures were applied to the research sample of 300.

individuals participating in social solidarity institutions in Al-Diwaniyah city.

After analyzing the responses of the study sample after using the SPSS program, the results were as follows:

  1. The shareholders in the institutions of social solidarity are philanthropy.
  2. There are statistically significant differences in the philanthropy of the shareholders in the institutions of social solidarity according to the two sex variables (males - females), and in favor of females.
  3. The shareholders in the institutions of social solidarity go in their lives according to the style of Being.
  4. There are statistically significant differences in (ownership - being) among the shareholders in the institutions of social solidarity according to the two sex variables (male - female), and for the benefit of females
  5. There is a statistically positive correlation between philanthropy and (Possession - Being) among the shareholders in the institutions of social solidarity.
  6. (Possession - Being) predicts the emergence of philanthropy among the shareholders in the institutions of social solidarity

Author Biographies

Assistant Prof. SALAM HASHIM HAFEDH, University of Al-Qadisiyah

University of Al-Qadisiyah/College of Arts


University of Al-Qadisiyah/College of Arts


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How to Cite
HASHIM HAFEDH, A. P. S., & AQEEL ABDUL-AMIR JASSIM, H. (2020). Philanthropy and its relationship to (Possession - being) among the shareholders in the institutions of social solidarity. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 23(2), 160-190. Retrieved from