Geographical analysis of the unemployment problem in Al-Qadisiyah

  • DR..Sabria Ali Hussein University of Al-Qadisiyah
Keywords: analysis, problem, unemploymentm, Al-Qadisiyah governorate


       Arab societies are experiencing social and economic obstacles that exacerbate the phenomenon of unemployment, which is greater than the challenges facing Arab economies in general and Iraq in particular. Therefore, the research aims to determine the size of unemployment in the Qadisiyah governorate, as the unemployment rate in the governorate varied during the study period and its percentage for the year 1997 reached (16%), which is a low percentage compared to 2003 when it rose to reach (23.5%), and the unemployment rate continued to rise in The overall governorate, as it reached in 2004 (35.2%) and in 2005 (26.1%), or in 2008, the rate decreased to reach (14.7%) and in 2018 it reached (29.2%). This variation in unemployment rates is due to many reasons that This phenomenon exacerbated by immigration to the governorate, the rates of population growth, the low level of education, the proportion of rural and urban residents, and the abolition of The basis of the central appointment, and consequently the emergence of many effects resulting from unemployment, including the economic effects of poverty and low labor force size, and the social effects of the youth’s reluctance to marry, delinquency, and crime eradication

Author Biography

DR..Sabria Ali Hussein, University of Al-Qadisiyah

College of Arts / University of Al-Qadisiyah


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How to Cite
Ali Hussein, D. (2020). Geographical analysis of the unemployment problem in Al-Qadisiyah. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 23(3), 86-108. Retrieved from