Factors affecting the cultivation of palm groves in the eastern Hamza district for the period (2010-2019)

  • Dr. Enaam Abdul-Sahib Muhsen University of Al-Qadisiyah
Keywords: Factors, Influencing, orchards, Palm, Hamzah


The research aimed to study the factors affecting the reality of the production of palm groves in the eastern Hamza district of Al-Qadisiyah governorate, as the content of the research included clarification, interpretation and analysis of geographical factors, whether natural, human or vital, and their impact on the cultivation of palm groves during the last ten years, i.e. during the period (2010-2019) , Although there was a slight discrepancy between the areas cultivated with the crop and the number of palm trees during the studied period, this variation reflected positively on the areas planted with palm trees, as those areas increased significantly from (2985 dunums) in 2010 to (3,612 dunums) in 2019, While the variation was reflected negatively on the number of palm trees in the judiciary, and this is due to the influence of the different geographical factors affecting and not to the area's capacity, especially the natural factors represented by increasing temperatures, scarcity of water resources and increasing soil salinity. Vital factors, such as infesting palm trees with diseases and not controlling them in a timely manner, led to a lack of production and productivity of the crop, and this was the most important finding of the research conclusion, While the research suggested developing palm groves cultivation and benefiting from the production of dates locally and globally by increasing the cultivated areas because the district contains vast areas that were not exploited by any other use on the one hand, and on the other hand the spatial appropriateness of the growth and production of the crop as well as the availability of capabilities to establish commercial farms for production Dates, especially in the Al-Shanafiyah region, have large areas and adequate water resources, and despite this, they are the smallest in cultivating palm groves and have less production of dates.

Author Biography

Dr. Enaam Abdul-Sahib Muhsen, University of Al-Qadisiyah

College of Arts-Dept of Geography / University of Al-Qadisiyah


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(31) Magdy Gnaoui, Ibid.
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How to Cite
Abdul-Sahib Muhsen, D. E. (2020). Factors affecting the cultivation of palm groves in the eastern Hamza district for the period (2010-2019). Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 23(3), 278-303. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/262