The spatial variation of urban growth and its role in the phenomenon of random housing in Al-Qadisiyah Governorate

  • D.Kholoud Ali Hussein Al-Obaidi University of Al-Qadisiyah
Keywords: variance, spatial, urban growth, random housing


  The problem of random housing is one of the complex problems as it has economic, social, urban and planning dimensions, but the economic dimension (the cost of construction and the price of land) remains one of the most common problems facing the population, which requires setting a general housing policy that accommodates the problems of housing reality and aims to reduce the housing deficit gap by establishing Residential complexes that are characterized by urban efficiency and are of low cost. The research aims to study and analyze the phenomenon of urban growth and the most important problems that this phenomenon produces, which is the problem of random housing, which is a backward pattern and a form of rapid, unorganized and unplanned urban growth. Which generates many environmental and social problems, so this problem must be addressed by making more efforts by the state and limiting the chaotic expansion in urban areas. The study included three topics, the first topic was concerned with studying the spatial variation of urban growth in the province of Qadisiyah, while the second topic focused on A study of the effect of urban growth on the emergence of the phenomenon of informal housing in Al-Qadisiyah governorate. It became clear through the study that the urban growth in the governorate increased, as the rate of urban growth for the year 2019 reached (3.3) and compared to the urban growth rate in the governorate for the year 1997 it reached (2.5), and this significant increase is due to two main factors, namely the natural increase and the migration factor from The countryside to the city, as for the random settlements, they were distributed in different administrative units in the governorate, as the number of those gatherings in the whole of the governorate reached (87), and the district of Diwaniya was ranked first, as it reached (30), concentrated and intensively within the neighborhoods of the Euphrates and Civilization. The second district of Sadr and towards Shamiya, which is the largest gathering Indiscriminate attacks in the city, particularly in the area of ​​the former camp, where government buildings were used by the army at the time. As for the second place, the Afak district came when the number of random gatherings reached (22), while the Shamiyya district ranked third in the number of gatherings and reached (19) and the last rank for Al-Hamzah district, which reached (16).

Author Biography

D.Kholoud Ali Hussein Al-Obaidi, University of Al-Qadisiyah

Geography Department / College of Arts/ University of Al-Qadisyia/ Al-Qadisyia/ Iraq


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How to Cite
Ali Hussein Al-Obaidi, D. (2020).  The spatial variation of urban growth and its role in the phenomenon of random housing in Al-Qadisiyah Governorate. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 23(3), 380-401. Retrieved from