Inferiority complex and Its Relation with Social phobia

  • Dr. Adel Khudhair Ubais Al-Abidy Ministry of Education
Keywords: Inferiority complex, Social phobia, Correlational relationship


1- Measuring Inferiority complex and Social phobia.

2- Test individual differences of gendar (males & females ) in the Inferiority complex and Social phobia

3- Knowing the relationship between Inferiority complex and Social phobia                                   The researcher preparing two tools Inferiority complex  scale which consiste of (28) items , and Social phobia scale which consiste of (24) items acheived the validity and the ability and psychometric devices, the sample of the  research consiste of (200) student "males & females"The research reached the following findings :

1-The adolescents have got Inferiority complex and Social phobia

2- There are significant gendar differences in Inferiority complex and Social phobia for females .

3-There is a correlation between the inferiority complex and the Social phobia . And according to these findings , the researcher made several recomendations and suggestions .

Author Biography

Dr. Adel Khudhair Ubais Al-Abidy, Ministry of Education

Education Al . Qadisiya


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How to Cite
Khudhair Ubais Al-Abidy, D. A. (2020). Inferiority complex and Its Relation with Social phobia. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(3), 901-925. Retrieved from