Extremism: A Study of Causes and Treatments

  • Assistant Professor Dr. Fatin Mohammed Razaq Al-Mustansiriya University
Keywords: extremism, violence, tolerance, peace


In recent times, the world has witnessed cases of violence and terrorism that are due to multiple causes, and extremism is one of the causes of that violence. Others where extremism represents a negative culture and psychosocial phenomenon based on refusal, segmental and aggressive denial of the other and not accepting the thought of the other or converging with him, but his rejection and exclusion and deviation in the methods of thinking and the most dangerous thing in extremism is its transformation into violent patterns of behavior and attacks on the lives and property of others Or it leads to the formation of armed organizations that are used in the face of society and the state, and terrorism is only one of the consequences of extremism, especially the intellectual extremism made by secret groups and organizations that were not exclusive to a group, culture, geographical organization, or single political direction, but may be by states, that is, Its motives are secular and non-secular politics. In some cases, extremism can use fundamentalist and extremist ideologies to justify acts of violence and even terrorist attacks on civilians, and it may be the exploitation of religion. A cause of extremism and intercultural conflict, some religious groups or political and religious movements and parties may use violence and assassination as a method and a way to reach their goals, as they may have channels, associations and publishing houses that serve their ideological, sectarian or extremist religious agenda. Therefore, we will address in this study the concept of extremism, its causes and ways of dealing with it.

Author Biography

Assistant Professor Dr. Fatin Mohammed Razaq, Al-Mustansiriya University

College:Political Science / Al-Mustansiriya University


First: books
1. Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Global Citizenship, Al-Awael Publishing and Distribution House, Jordan, 1st Edition, 2011.
2. Jamil Hamdaoui, Sociology of Extremism, 1st Edition, Morocco, 2017.
3. Sardar Rashid Hama ,, Rejecting religious extremism from the perspective of the Qur’an and Sunnah, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Legal Issues on 5/10/2018, College of Law and Politics, Ishik University - Erbil.
4. Abdel-Ghani Emad, Sociology of Identity, Controversies of Consciousness, Disintegration and Reconstruction, Center for Arab Unity Studies, Beirut, 2017.
5. Faten Muhammad Razzaq, Tolerance in the Thought of Contemporary Iraqi Parties, Hammurabi Center for Studies and Research, Beirut, 2013
6. Muhammad Yasser Al-Khawaja, Religious Extremism and Its Intellectual and Behavioral Manifestations, Believers Without Borders Foundation for Studies and Research, Morocco.
7. A group of researchers, Violence: Issues and Problems, Believers Without Borders Foundation for Studies and Research, Morocco, 2018.
8. A group of researchers, Religious extremism, the hidden reasons for the book Religious Extremism in the Thought of Islamic Groups, Believers Without Borders Foundation for Studies and Research, Morocco, 2018.
9. Muhammad Arkoun, Issues in Criticism of the Religious Reason, 2nd Edition, translated and commented by Hashem Salih, Dar Al-Tale'ah for Printing and Publishing, Beirut, 2000.
10. A group of researchers, Sectarianism, Tolerance and Transitional Justice, Center for Arab Unity Studies, Beirut, 2003.
11. A group of researchers, The Book of Tolerance in Arab Culture, Part 2, Believers Without Borders, Morocco, 2018.
12. Researchers Group, Religious Extremism in the Thought of Islamic Groups, Cultural Center for Book Publishing and Distribution, Morocco, 2018
13. Nasreen Abdel Aziz, The Culture of Peace, Dar Al-Arabi for Publishing and Distribution, 2016.
Second: magazines
1. Badr Muhammad Malak and Latifa Hussain al-Kandari, The teacher's role in protecting young people from intellectual extremism, Journal of the College of Education, Issue D 142, Al-Azhar University, Part 1, 2009.

2. Ali Asaad Watafa, Education on Tolerance Values, Tolerance Journal, Issue 11, Sultanate of Oman, 2005
3. Ayesh Sabah and Omar Khalaf Rashid, The Impact of Social Media Addiction on the Intellectual Extremism of University Students, Anbar University Journal for Human Sciences, Issue 4, Volume Two, October 2018.
Third: the Internet
1. World Peace, the free encyclopedia Wikepidea.com
How to Cite
Mohammed Razaq, A. P. D. F. (2020). Extremism: A Study of Causes and Treatments. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 23(3), 134-148. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/285