Generalized Expectancies of Negative Mood Regulation and its Relation to Frontal Systems Behavior

  • Sattar Jabbar Ghanem Al-Mustansiriya University
  • Prof. Khadeeja Hayder Nori Al-Mustansiriya University
Keywords: generalized expectancies, negative mood regulation, frontal systems behavior, apathy


The current research aims at measuring generalized expectancies of negative mood regulation and frontal systems behavior ( apathy, disinhibition, executive dysfunction ). It also aims at identifying the correlational relation between generalized expectancies of negative mood behavior and frontal systems behavior. The researchers translated Catanzaro & Mearns' generalized expectancies of (NMR-S) (1999) and Grace & Malloy's scale of FrSBe (2001) . The validity and reliability of both scales have been computed. The two scales have been applied on sample of university students. The results showed that students have high expectancies of negative mood regulation and they don't have apathy, disinhibition, executive dysfunction behaviors. The results indicated that there is a negative relation between generalized expectancies of negative mood regulation and frontal systems behavior.

Author Biographies Sattar Jabbar Ghanem, Al-Mustansiriya University

College of Arts/Al Mustansiriya University    

Prof. Khadeeja Hayder Nori, Al-Mustansiriya University

College of Arts/Al Mustansiriya University


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How to Cite
Jabbar Ghanem, A. S., & Hayder Nori, P. K. (2020). Generalized Expectancies of Negative Mood Regulation and its Relation to Frontal Systems Behavior. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 23(3), 311-354. Retrieved from