The most important obstacles that led to the fall of the first Leon Blum government, 1937

  • Prof. Hussein Muhsin Hashim ALQasear University of Al-Qadisiyah
  • Azhar Kadhim Hasan University of Al-Qadisiyah
Keywords: the first government of Lyon Blum, the fall of the Lyon Blum government, the political situation in France


 After the legislative elections in April-May 1936, France had witnessed the victory of the Popular Front Alliance, which includes a wide group  of French left parties, with a majority of seats in the House of Representatives, which gave it the right to form a government. This alliance managed to form the first coalition government headed by the leader of the Jewish Socialist Party, Leon Blum, as the leader of the largest party with a majority of seats in this alliance, which generated a wave of rejection within the right-wing circles. This government implemented an economic and social program through which it sought to improve the living conditions of important groups of French society, such as workers and farmers. That was affected by the repercussions of the economic crisis witnessed by France and the world, in addition to overcoming the financial difficulties that caused the fall of many governments that preceded Lyon Bloom's assumption of power, and to stand up to the fascist movements that appeared within French society due to economic difficulties. The implementation of an economic and social program that affects the interests of the existing capitalist system in France and harms other classes of society such as the middle class generated many obstacles in front of this government that came together, complemented each other and eventually led to its downfall.  This research sheds light on the most important obstacles that faced the first government of Lyon Blum and the role played by the right press in fighting this government in addition to the role of French fascist organizations and the accumulated economic problems from previous governments that in turn generated social problems that were reflected on the political side, which led to the cracking of the coalition supporting the government Which caused her to fall on June 22/1937.

Author Biographies

Prof. Hussein Muhsin Hashim ALQasear, University of Al-Qadisiyah

College of Arts / University of Al-Qadisiyah

Azhar Kadhim Hasan, University of Al-Qadisiyah


College of Arts / University of Al-Qadisiyah


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How to Cite
Muhsin Hashim ALQasear, P. H., & Kadhim Hasan, A. (2020). The most important obstacles that led to the fall of the first Leon Blum government, 1937. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 23(2), 257-278. Retrieved from