Evaluating the social studies book for the first intermediate grade in light of the quality standards from the viewpoint of the subject teachers

  • Dr. Muhammad Tohme Kazem Raza The Open Educational College
Keywords: evaluation, social subject, first intermediate, standards, quality


 The current research aims to evaluate the quality of social studies book for the first intermediate grade. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher adopted the descriptive approach, and the questionnaire as a research tool consisted of (7) fields that included (99) criteria, and its validity and consistency were confirmed, and the research community reached (2270) individuals, and the sample (331) teachers and schools, for the subject of social studies, was chosen with a picture Random representing the governorates of Iraq for the academic year (2020-2019), and after applying the questionnaire to the research sample, the results showed that the social book achieved most of the quality standards, the criteria for the research fields were respectively, (the field of quality of artistic output first, then the quality of images, figures and tables secondly, and the quality Thirdly, the scope of educational goals, and the quality of evaluation methods fourth, The quality of the field of scientific content is fifth, the quality of the introduction is sixth, and the quality of activities is seventh), and there was a weakness in the standards of the quality of the introduction and the quality of the activities, and the researcher recommended the adoption of quality standards for the textbook adopted by the current research.

Author Biography

Dr. Muhammad Tohme Kazem Raza, The Open Educational College

The Open Educational College / Al-Qadisiyah Center


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How to Cite
Tohme Kazem Raza, D. M. (2020). Evaluating the social studies book for the first intermediate grade in light of the quality standards from the viewpoint of the subject teachers. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 23(2), 279-302. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/301