Spatial Distribution of Theft Crimes in Al-Qadisiyah Governorate for the Period (2005-2019)

  • أ.م.د. صبرية علي حسين العبيدي كلية الآداب / جامعة القادسية
  • عماد كاظم سالم كلية الآداب / جامعة القادسية
Keywords: Distribution, for theft crimes, Qadisiyah governorate, 2005-2019


This research deals with the study of the spatial distribution of robbery crimes in the Qadisiyah governorate because this phenomenon is the most dangerous social problem. This phenomenon must be shed light on to know its spatial variation, general development and trends, so the method used for descriptive analysis and also used geographic information systems in mapping the distribution of theft crimes by units. The administrative units in the governorate show that there is a difference in the number of theft crimes between administrative units affected by the variation in the population, which is one of the factors affecting the commission of the crime(0.889).


(1) Republic of Iraq, Cabinet, Planning Commission, Central Statistical Organization, Annual Statistical Abstract, 2000, p. 14.
(*) The area of authority: It was an administrative unit of the Levantine District in 1977, and in 1987 it was merged with the Levantine District Center, and after that it returned as an administrative unit of the Levantine District, according to the book No. (15117) issued by the Ministry of Interior on (20/10/1990) Thus, Qadisiyah governorate in 1997 consisted of ten sub-districts, after it was nine in 1987. The administrative rank of Nafar was also restored in 1999 according to the Ministry of Interior's book No. , Planning and Follow-up Division, unpublished data.
Ashraf Hassan Muhammad Shaqfa, a study in the geography of crime (murder), Islamic University - Gaza, 2010, p. 4.
(3) Hussein Elias Muhammad, The Geography of Crime (a conceptual study), Journal of Adab Al-Neelain, Volume (3), Issue (3), College of Arts, Al-Neelain University, 2018, p. 126.
A (4) Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Interior, Diwaniyah Police Directorate, Criminal Statistics Division, unpublished data, 2019.
(**) The standard score is calculated by the following equation
D = (x-x) / p, since d = the standard degree, x = any of the values of the variables, x = the arithmetic mean of the values, p = the standard deviation, for the values of the variable and is extracted according to the following formula:
P = √ (2 (x-x) mj / (1-n))
(***) The scale correlation coefficient of Cyberman is used to calculate its value of the correlation coefficient when the two variables whose correlation is to be measured are quantitative variables and it is required that the number of states of each of the two variables be equal and we use the following law
R = 6 (Fi) 2┤ / (n- (n-1))
R = Cyberman's rank correlation coefficient. Fi = Rank 1st variable - Rank 2nd variable n = Number of cases

(5) Directorate of Statistics Department of Qadisiyah Governorate, Population Estimates for 2019, unpublished data
How to Cite
علي حسين العبيديأ. ص., & كاظم سالمع. (2020). Spatial Distribution of Theft Crimes in Al-Qadisiyah Governorate for the Period (2005-2019). Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 23(4), 178-203. Retrieved from