• م. د. عقيل امير جبر ظاهر مديرية تربية القادسية – اعدادية الزيتون للبنين
Keywords: documented education experimental classes control lessons


The current study aims to identify the effectiveness of brain-based learning in the mind habits of the fourth preparatory students in physics   by checking the following zero hypothesis:

  • There was no statistically significant difference (0.05) between the average scores of the students of the experimental group who studied brain-based learning and the average scores of the students of the control group who were taught in the normal way in the habits of the mind of the fourth grade students in physics.

The study is limited to fourth grades (scientific branch) in the Preparatory schools of Diwaniyah Education Directorate for the Day studies and the academic year (2017-2018). Moreover, the study is limited to cover the second course syllabus of Physics for the same grade. The researcher chose Al Zaytoon Preparatory School for Boys as the sample of the study because he is basically one of its teachers. Two sections of the fourth grade students out of five were randomly selected. The sample consisted of (71) students where (35) students represent the control group, which was studied in the usual manner, and the other (36) represent experimental group, which studied Physics following the brain-based learning. The two groups of the study (experimental, control groups) have been equalized in a number of variables. These variables are (age in months, intelligence, score of the first course in Physics, and mind habits). To achieve the study objective, the researcher prepared 27 learning based – brain plans. The researcher also prepared a mind habits measure consisting of (46) final statements. The experiment was validated in the second course of the academic year (2017-2018). The experiment lasted for 12 weeks, three lectures per group (experimental and control groups). The researcher taught the two groups himself. After the completion of the experiment, data were collected and analyzed using (Paired- t test) statistical method. The results revealed that the students of the experimental group, which studied brain-based learning, were superior to the students of the control group, which studied in the normal way following the habits of the mind, and thus the null hypothesis has been rejected. Based on this respect, the researcher recommended the use of brain-based learning in the teaching of Physics, and proposed further studies for the researchers to apply to the other stages and with different study materials so as to identify the brain-based learning with other dependent variables.


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How to Cite
امير جبر ظاهرم. د. ع. (2020). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF BRAIN-BASED LEARNING IN THE MIND HABITS OF THE FOURTH PREPARATORY SCIENTIFIC GRADES IN PHYSICS. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(3), 33-68. Retrieved from