اتجاهات معدلات النمو السكاني وتوزيعها المكاني في قضاء الحلة للمدة 1987-2017

  • أ.م.د. صبرية علي حسين العبيدي كلية الآداب / جامعة القادسية
  • م.د. خلود علي حسين العبيدي كلية الآداب / جامعة القادسية
Keywords: Rates, growth, population, distribution, spatial


The study of population growth is one of the most important demographic phenomena on which planners depend to meet the demands of population growth, and through knowledge of population growth, it is possible to plan for the near and distant future. On this basis, Hilla province was chosen to study the trends of population growth for the period (1997-2017). The research discussed the growth of the population during this period throughout the judiciary. The population growth by administrative units was also analyzed with an analysis of the reasons for the variation in population growth among these administrative units, as well as the study of the variation in population growth between the rural and urban areas for each period of time, explaining the factors that led to the variation of population growth between rural and urban areas. The study found that the population growth rate at the judicial level was (5.6%) during the period 1977-1987, which exceeds the population growth rate in the governorate (5.5%) and the country (3.1%), A clear decline in the period (1987-1997) reaching (3.2%). In the preparatory period (1997-2017), the population growth rate was 2.8%, in the governorate (2.9%) and in the country (2.4%). The research also found that the highest rates of growth were recorded for the rural population during the period (1987-1997), reaching (4.5%) due to the emergence of a stream of migration from cities to the countryside as a result of the conditions of the economic blockade in that period. While those rates decreased during the period (1997-2017) by (2.8%). And is expected to rise slightly for the coming years, which is expected to reach (2.9%) for the period (2017-2027) and to (3.0%) for the period (2027-2037).


1) Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, Central Agency for Statistics and Information Technology, Population and Manpower Statistics, 2007 Estimates.
(2) Kwan Taha Wali, Analysis of the Reality of the Relationship between Population Growth and Economic Growth in Iraq for the Period (1997-2014), Iraqi Journal of Economic Sciences, Fourteenth Year, Issue Fifty, 2016, p. 183.
(3) Hussein Ja`az Nasser, "Spatial analysis of the growth of the population of Najaf Governorate 1957-1997 and its future expectations until 2007.", Journal of Najafi Studies, Center for Kufa Studies, University of Kufa, second year, number (3), 2004, p. 137.
(4) Jawad Kadhim Al-Hasnawi, "Population Growth in Babil Governorate," Journal of the College of Arts, University of Basra, No. (35), 2002, p. 84.
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(6) Akram Zainal Al-Salhi, “The Evolution of the Urbanization Phenomenon in Iraq 1957-1987,” Journal of the Iraqi Geographical Society, No. (50), 2002, p. 195.
(7) Abdul Ali Al-Khaffaf, Population Geography, General Basis, 1st Floor, Dar Al-Fikr for Printing, Publishing and Distribution, Amman, 1999, p. 121.
(8) Fathi Muhammad Abu Ayyanah, Studies in Demography, 3rd floor, Arab Renaissance House, Beirut, 2002, p. 52.
(9) Abbas Fadel Al-Saadi, Population Geography, Part 1, Dar Al-Hekma, Baghdad, 2002, p. 297.
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(*) The formula for the compound profit method in calculating population projections is formulated as follows:
Pn = Po 〖(1 + r)〗 ^ n
Since: Pn = means the expected population of the target year, Po = means the population in the last census, n the number of years between the last census and the future year, r annual growth rate between the last two censuses 1997 and 2007, for more, see: Abbas Fadel Al-Saadi, Population Geography, C 1, previous source, p. 304.
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How to Cite
علي حسين العبيديأ. ص., & حسين العبيديم. خ. ع. (2021). اتجاهات معدلات النمو السكاني وتوزيعها المكاني في قضاء الحلة للمدة 1987-2017. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 23(1), 451-476. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/374