The Relationship between Environment and Education outcomes: Analytical Comparative Study for Chosen High schools at al-Hashimiyah Centre and Countryside

  • Assist. Prof. Talib Abderidha Kittan(PhD . جامعة القادسية كلية الاداب
  • Ali Hamid Kareem . جامعة القادسية كلية الاداب
Keywords: environment, Education Outcomes, Al-Hashimiyah District


      The physical environment has a tremendous impact on the outcomes of education and progress. The environment may be a positive factor that contributes to the progress and improvement of education, and it may be a negative factor that constitutes an obstacle to progress, especially if it is exploited in an ill-considered manner by the family and the educational body. Therefore, heads of families and educational institutions must It advances scientific solutions in order to improve the physical environment to become a student-friendly environment that stimulates the education process, and this is achieved through leadership and management, leadership and its moral awareness of the student, whether school leadership or family leadership.

This research dealt with the problem of education in terms of curricula and infrastructure, up to the higher decisions that pertain to the student. The aim of the research was to answer several questions, including: Does the environment in which the student grows have an impact on the educational outcomes. Is education in the countryside better than in the center? The research dealt with the most important functions that affect the student's educational attainment, and among these functions is the economic and educational function of the family and its impact on the student from several aspects. The research also dealt with the types of environments and their impact on the academic achievement of the children, including the family environment, the scientific and economic environment, and the housing environment represented by the student’s place of residence in terms of the distance and proximity to the school, the political environment and the last environment.

 At the end of the research there are the results and suggestions that the researcher believes are consistent with the research problem.


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How to Cite
., A. P. T. A. K., & ., A. H. K. (2021). The Relationship between Environment and Education outcomes: Analytical Comparative Study for Chosen High schools at al-Hashimiyah Centre and Countryside. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 24(3), 253-263. Retrieved from