The Effectiveness of Teaching by the )4EX2 (Model in Critical Thinking for the Scientific Fifth Class Girl Students in Biology

  • م.م فريال علي حمزة . كلية التربية – جامعة القادسية


The research aims to identify the effectiveness of teaching (4EX2) model in the critical thinking of the fifth grade students in biology, in order to verify the goal researcher formulated the following hypothesis zero :

 There is no difference of statistical mark at the mark level (0.05) between marks average of experimental group students, who studied according to (4EX2) model, and the marks average of control group students, who studied according to the traditional approach in critical thinking test.

  The research community determined all fifth grade students of biological science in the preparatory and secondary schools for girls of the Directorate General of Education of Qadisiyah, the second semester of the academic year (2018-2019), while the research sample was chosen intentionally, and was represented by fifth grade students in the preparatory Damascus for girls, The experimental and control groups were randomly selected from four divisions of 38 and 39 students in divisions C and A, respectively, The researcher followed the experimental design of partial control of the experimental and control groups with the post-test in critical thinking test, The researcher equated between the two groups students in the following variables: (temporal age, previous achievement, critical thinking), the researcher prepared teaching plans according to the steps of the model as well as developed the research tool, a test of critical thinking, which was built according to the skills identified by both Watson and Alexander as critical thinking (knowledge of assumptions, interpretation, Evaluation of arguments, deduction, and conclusion) and consist of (75) paragraphs on the veracity and consistency, and at the end of the experiment applied the research tool and collected data and statistically processed by appropriate statistical means, the results of the research showed the effectiveness of the (4EX2) model in improving the critical thinking of students and in light of this went out The researcher made a number of recommendations, including the possibility of adopting this model by teachers in teaching according to it, as well as a set of proposals, including the study of the impact of the model (4EX2) with other variables such as creative thinking.


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How to Cite
.م. ف. ع. ح. (2021). The Effectiveness of Teaching by the )4EX2 (Model in Critical Thinking for the Scientific Fifth Class Girl Students in Biology. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 24(3), 320-345. Retrieved from