The most important manifestations and sources of social and security gravity of the killings in Iraq

  • طالب عبد الكريم كاظم Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
  • سلام رياض حبيب Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
Keywords: social complacency political pressure, system


Socialtransformations play an important role in the continuous escalation of its pace, which is what causes concern and calls for taking precaution and caution in order to avoid its continuation and limit it at the lowest possible level is one of the basic social goals of stable societies and the study of these dangers in Iraqi society after 2003 comes to highlight the most important factors Which contributed to the sudden rise in the frequency of crimes after the American occupation of Iraq due to the multiplicity of social factors that contributed to the political, economic, religious and family, and now threatening the social entity, displacement operations, terrorist operations and political liquidations etc. Om economic and qualifying all pictures of the killings carried out or deferred threat has the effect of the spread of chaos in society as it helped to centralize corruption and institutionalized and these Alravedan are the most important feeds these behaviors of criminal brutality.                                                                                              
The need to demonstrate the effect of social and legal complacency in deterring or reducing these crimes, which had a significant impact on increasing them in societies, still has a tribal character that controls their social relations between groups, so that this pigment was given even to religious and sectarian religious groups, which increased the fatwas of murder to A frightening extent threatened the life and interests of the Iraqi person, and the greatest impact was evident in the desire to abandon society in search of safety for life.                                                                           
Today, murders are committed in the name of many religious and social justifications, even though they are based on temporary political interests, mainly and economic in general and tribalism, with which social ethics and the law have been neglected. Also, religious deterrents have become inoperative in controlling this increase, so the need to diagnose the most important factors that contributed to This increase, which is still continuing from the point of view of a sample of community members, dealt with the perpetrators directly by virtue of their work in the area of ​​maintaining order (the police) despite the failure of the criminal investigation methods that depend on them to uncover the truth of the perpetrators ’allegations and preserve the law (the judiciary) despite the pressure Including political amnesties for criminals returned to crime because of the preservation of rights (lawyers), despite the exploitation of some of them in their understanding of the law to rid the perpetrators responsible for the brutal deeds of manipulating some excuses to alleviate legal deterrents (Kaloarav clan). And the general public from the intellectuals who are aware of its present and future dangers, all contributed directly to the diagnosis of the most important elements of deadly social diseases in the life of any human society, the dangers of which extend to the individual, group and society to know the impact of radical changes in the life of Iraqi society and what the government must take of measures that can Actively contribute to reducing them to their lowest levels


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- دراسة في الخطورة الإجرامية ،
How to Cite
عبد الكريم كاظمط., & رياض حبيبس. (2020). The most important manifestations and sources of social and security gravity of the killings in Iraq. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(3), 93-107. Retrieved from