Impulsiveness Among High School Students

  • أ. د علي صكر جابر الخزاعي . كلية التربية /جامعة القادسية
  • أسماء علي عبد الحسين .


Research abstract: The current research aims to know the impulsivity of middle school students, as well as to know the significance of the differences in impulsivity among middle school students according to the variables of gender (male, female), specialization (scientific, literary), and fourth and fifth grades.  The researcher built a scale of impulsivity based on the theory of debts (and the scale consisted in its final form after completing the conditions of honesty, stability, discriminatory strength and internal consistency of (39) items, and the tool was applied to a sample of (500) male and female students, who were chosen by the random stratified method with a proportional method  For the year (2020-2021) and the results of the research showed the following: that high school students have a common impulsiveness There are no statistically significant differences in impulsivity according to the gender variable (males, females) There are statistically significant differences in impulsivity according to the variable of grades (fourth)  Fifth) and towards the fifth grade. There are no differences in the degree of impulsivity between middle school students according to the academic specialization (scientific and literary).  academic (scientific - literary), and grades (fourth and fifth), and based on the findings of the research, the researcher recommends the following:

  1. Conducting an educational media campaign aimed at clarifying the effects of impulsivity on the personality of middle school students in particular and secondary school students in particular.
  2. Develop and strengthen the spirit of students' control over their impulses through holding seminars and opening educational courses to enhance this aspect for them.


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How to Cite
.أ. د. ع. ص. ج. ا., & .أ. ع. ع. ا. (2021). Impulsiveness Among High School Students. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 24(4), 28-47. Retrieved from