Dichotomous Thinking and its Relationship to Empathy Dimensions of Educational Counselors

  • سلام هاشم حافظ Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
  • ميثم كاظم مطرود Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
Keywords: bilateral thinking dimensions of empathy, personal distress


Dichotomous thinking is a style of children and adults' thinking. It is seen by Oshio (2009) as the tendency to think of issues of bipolarities like "black and white", " good or bad" or "everything or nothing". This concept is useful in the political field and criminal courts. Also, it is beneficial in the case of  rapid decision taking and understanding.

Empathy is a fundamental element of human life in addition to its  major role in other life aspects as educational, social, psychological health and psychological therapy. It has also an influential effect on in society integration, which refers to the individual's commitment to human values. Daves (1980) sees that empathy is a multi- dimensional method, and each dimension measures a specific aspect of individual's empathy. Usually empathic empathy is represented as a trait, it refers to the suffering to the emotions of the other person. Cognitive empathy is the mental ability to facilitate understanding and identifying the emotions of the other person.

How to Cite
هاشم حافظس., & كاظم مطرودم. (2020). Dichotomous Thinking and its Relationship to Empathy Dimensions of Educational Counselors. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(3), 159-185. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/44