The exploitative personality and its relation to the self-control of the employees of some departments in Najaf province in the province of Najaf

  • أ.م.نغم هادي حسين Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
  • فلاح عبد الحسن عبد الحسين Collge of art/unversity of Al-Qadisiyah
Keywords: exploitative personality, random class, self-control measures


The current research aims at identifying the correlation between the exploitative personality and the self-control. The research society may be from the employees of some departments in Najaf Governorate (Real Estate Registration Department, Traffic Directorate, Municipality Department, Social Protection Network, Department of Agriculture) (2812) male and female employees distributed in the above mentioned departments. In order to achieve the research objectives, the researcher built the scale of the exploitative character according to the perspective of Eric Fromm, consisting of (28) The self- control according to the perspective (Pandora) is composed of (33) paragraph, and the (400) employees and employees of some departments of the State of Najaf province were chosen in the random stratified manner of proportionate manner. After the number of research tools, the final application was applied to the applied research sample of (500) An employee and a female employee were chosen in the same manner and method. The research found that the employees in the departments of the city of Najaf are not characterized by the pattern of exploitative personality. There is a statistically significant difference in the pattern of exploitative personality according to the gender variable and for the benefit of males. There are no statistically significant differences in the age variable. , And there is a difference of statistical significance according to the variable type on the scale of self-control and for the benefit of women, the level of self-control increases as the staff progress in age, there is a negative correlation between self-control and exploitative personality, the researcher has submitted a series of recommendations and proposals .


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How to Cite
هادي حسينأ., & عبد الحسن عبد الحسينف. (2020). The exploitative personality and its relation to the self-control of the employees of some departments in Najaf province in the province of Najaf. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(3), 186-217. Retrieved from