Freedom and its representations in the ceramic text

  • Lect. Saad Hafez Obaid .
  • Lect. Hadi Abbas Mikheeb .


Freedom, as a supreme human value, formed its active presence in human philosophical thought, and it represented, through its various stages, a perception of the contemplative human’s awareness of himself, the other, and the existence around him. Sorouh represents the intellectual establishment in line with the artist’s thought and the work of the ceramicist in presenting his intellectual paths and the aesthetic of the art form. If they are placed in freedom and represent them in the ceramic text in particular, they constitute a cognitive study of the structure of intellectual expansion in the systems of aesthetic creativity, because freedom and its cognitive, intellectual and artistic aesthetic representations move with transformations Continuous development is a product of all disciplines of knowledge and as a result of endless experimentation in artistic and intellectual performance, as well as what philosophical theses present from the passages of movement and the taste of art from one site to another, and this is what makes freedom and its representations in the ceramic text in art and beauty, and contemporary ceramic art falls, within the circle Freedom as it is considered a transforming art in the formal and technical system, as well as the possibility of its openness to the neighboring artistic genres, and This is what called for the study of freedom and change in the structure of ceramics and what constitutes a new readership, and on this basis, this research sought to study ((Freedom and its representations in the ceramic text)) and it consisted of four chapters, the first chapter (the methodological framework) and the two researchers dealt with a problem The research, which was determined by the following question: What is freedom and its representations in the ceramic text, and the aim of the research was determined by: (discovering freedom and its representations in the ceramic text), as well as the importance of research and the limits of research and identifying the main terms

As for the second chapter (theoretical framework) it consists of two sections: the first topic (the concept of freedom is philosophical) and the second topic (the contemporary global ceramics ... intellectual and structural characteristics) in which the two researchers touched on the most important basic principles adopted by some sects and artistic currents in which they presented the philosophy of freedom and from These investigations resulted in the indicators of the theoretical framework, either the third chapter was represented by the research procedures, by revealing the studied community and the selected sample of (3 workers) and then selecting a methodological research tool, followed by the analysis of the sample. As for the fourth chapter, it included the research results, conclusions, recommendations and suggestions.


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How to Cite
., L. S. H. O., & ., L. H. A. M. (2021). Freedom and its representations in the ceramic text. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 24(3(2), 420-435. Retrieved from