Post-emotional skills at the preparatory school

  • Prof. Khalid Abu Jasim al-Fatlawy (PhD .
  • محمد فليح حسن عجرم .
Keywords: Post-emotional skills, preparatory students, education, proportional method


The current research aimed to identify the post-emotional skills of middle school students and differences of statistical significance according to the gender of the students and their specialization and to achieve those goals the researcher built a measure of post-emotion skills, and after verifying the sincerity of the scale and stability applied on a sample of (500) students of the preparatory stage students in the Directorate General of Education in Qadisiyah province, the results of the research indicated that the students of the preparatory level enjoy a new level of post-emotional skills, which is a good indicator indicating on awareness or what the individual needs to adapt to his nature in life.   The researcher recommended enhancing post-emotional skills in students as a factor with them related to the ability to adjust and deal positively with oneself and others.

 To complete this, the researcher applied the measure to a sample of (500) students at Al-Qadissiya University selected in the random class method according to the proportional method, and after collecting the data and processing it statistically using the statistical bag of social sciences (SSPS) the research reached the following results: preparatory students enjoy a good level of post-emotional skills, a good indicator of awareness or needed by the individual to adapt to his nature in life.  Based on the results of the research, the researcher made several recommendations, including: enhancing the post-emotional skills of students as a factor with them related to the ability to control and deal positively with oneself and others. Include post-emotional skills and teach them within the student curriculum. Encourage students to rely on post-emotional skills and work to provide conditions for the interest of education by providing encouraging conditions for students who do not contribute to educational activities because this helps them to adopt emotional skills in education.


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How to Cite
., P. K. A. J. al-F. (PhD, & .م. ف. ح. ع. (2021). Post-emotional skills at the preparatory school. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(1), 281-303. Retrieved from