Fiction and Fantasy in Hayy bin Yaqzan Message

  • Dr. Assist. Yasser Ali Abd Salman Al-Kha . جامعة القادسية كلية الاداب
  • Researcher: Duha Majeed .
Keywords: Fiction , Fantasy , surprising , pastoral, miraculous, mythology , agitation.


Critics and researchers disagreed in their use of fiction and fantasy, to attract the recipient. Those who worked on the idea of fantasy to communicate a symbolic idea that they wanted to communicate to the usurped recipient without the knowledge of others. Those whose ideas were so broad, they tended to fantasy to paint an accurate picture of literature. * The communication in his mind is intended in a carefully covered manner, protecting him and those with him from questioning the rulers or the ruling authority.


1. A Dictionary of Linguistics an Phonetics. David Crystal, London, Blackwell, 1980.
2. An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Language and Languages. D.Crystal, Blackwell, 1992.
3. Daniel Schutzer, Artificial intelligence, New-York, 1987.
4. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Applied Linguistics, K.johnson and Helen Johnson, Blackwell, 1999.
5. François Rastier, Sémetique interprétative, P.U.F, 1987.
6. George A. Miller, "images and Models, Similes and Mataphors", in Metaphor and Thought, Andrew Ortony (ed), 1986.
7. Geraud Tournadre, Le Principe d'homogénéité, presse de l'Universite Paris - Sorbonne, 1988.
8. Jean Molino, Joelle Tamine, introduction à l'analyse linguistique de la poesie. P.UF, 1982.
9. Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics, R. chazd, j. Longman, et.a 1989 Stream of consciousness: a study in literary method, Milvin, Friedman, New Havan: Yale Up, London, 1955
10. Michel Meyer, Questions de Rhétorique Language, raison et séduction, France, Paris, 1993.
11. Philibert Secretan, L'Analogie, qe sais-je? P.U.F, 1984.
How to Cite
., D. A. Y. A. A. S. A.-K., & ., R. D. M. (2022). Fiction and Fantasy in Hayy bin Yaqzan Message. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(1), 31-47. Retrieved from