War Scenes in Ancient Mesopotamian Art

  • Dr.Wameed Sameer Hadi .
Keywords: Scene, War, violence, arts, ancient Iraq


The present paper deals with the study of (war scenes in ancient Mesopotamian art), which contains four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to clarify the problem of the research, its importance and the need for it, its goal and its limits. An idea arose, the current answer in answering the following question:

- What are the aesthetic and distant data of the scenes of war in the ancient Iraqi arts?

The second chapter includes the theoretical framework, which contains two sections. The first deals with (the impact of the war on art), while the second topic deals with (visual representation of war throughout history) through several axes, including (war scenes in cave paintings “the Stone Ages”) and (war scenes in ancient Iraq “the era before writing”) and the characteristics of the achievement Artistic who depicted war in Sumerian, Akkadian and Assyrian art.

Third chapter devotes with the research procedures starting with the research community and the sample, in addition to the tool, method and analysis of the research sample. In the fourth and final chapter, it devotes to discussing the most important results of the research, conclusions, suggestions and recommendations.

The results:

  1. Borrowing events directly from reality, limiting themselves to recording successful war facts only with the intention of maximizing the role of the ruling authority in resolving battles.
  2. The artist adopted the narrative style in his presentation of war topics, combining the elements of visual formations and text.

The conclusions:

1 - The ancient Mesopotamian artist used the language of coding as an important and active element in the structure of the art scene with a mental intention that translates the conflict between him and the supernatural forces that lie behind his lived world and that have the effectiveness of controlling the most important aspects of his life, resulting in a witness to the conflict of opposites.

2- The Sumerian artist married between religion and history by watching war and in a narrative style that presents the military sites and the important role of the gods in resolving the war event.


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How to Cite
., D. S. H. (2022). War Scenes in Ancient Mesopotamian Art. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(1), 158-173. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/473