Nigeria's role in African peacekeeping 1960-1999

  • Lecturer Dr. Amenah Saadoon Abbas .
Keywords: Nigeria, international forces, the role of Nigeria.


The study aimed to attempt to draw clear features of Nigeria, the center of power in West Africa, and its leading role in the regional peacekeeping forces since its independence in 1960, which is the largest African contributor to the United Nations peacekeeping missions inside and outside Africa. The study analyzes the efforts made by Nigeria to ensure Peace and stability in the conflicting countries, which prompted the researcher to shed light on their geographical location, the social composition of their population, and their political system, then addressing the international peacekeeping forces of which Nigeria was an active part, and introducing their principles, tasks and obstacles that faced the forces in settling internal armed conflicts, the study moved after This is to complete Nigeria’s role in peacekeeping in Africa, and to give an understanding of the historical background of Nigerian foreign policy and its central policy for Africa. It also touched on military capabilities and Nigeria’s efforts to maintain peace in Africa, which prompted the researcher to reveal the problems that Nigeria faced during its role. The most important result of the study is that Nigeria has not hesitated or failed to use its human and material resources. Its use is to maintain and build peace and security in the countries of Asia, the Middle East, and Southeast Europe in general, and Africa in particular.


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How to Cite
., L. D. A. S. A. (2022). Nigeria’s role in African peacekeeping 1960-1999. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(1), 91-122. Retrieved from