The ranges of fly-away plastic and paper waste from Shamiyah landfill

  • Assistant Professor Dr. Ibrahim Naji Al- .


The study is concerned with the open dumping of waste, which is a method prohibited by
the state and the World Health Organization, this landfill is not a sanitary landfill. Hence, the study
attempted to answer questions related to the impact of the landfill with fly-away waste represented
by various paper and plastic bags and containers on the neighboring agricultural lands. And the
amount of agricultural land affected by this fly-away waste, The landfill is formed from two zones
of volatile waste, and according to the distance of these lands from the landfill, and according to
their location in relation to the direction of the prevailing winds, The first range represents highly
affected lands that occupied an area of 360625 square meters , Occupy the second domain of the
least affected lands 885263 square meters , As well as the effect of this method on the neighboring
villages, especially when dealing with this waste by burning.
The location of the landfill between two circles of latitude 315810N and 315750N
and longitude 444010E and 444040E has made it close to sensitive sites such as population
centers, agricultural lands and surface water sources. It is located between the digger trough and
agricultural lands from the east and Diwaniyah Najaf Road and Harijeh village from the south and
southwest, while agricultural lands surround the dump from the northeast, north, northwest and
west, which made it a restricted landfill expansion in the future if it was expanded.
The study relied on the descriptive analytical method, inductive analysis and some programs such
as Arc Gis 10.8, For the purpose of covering all the research data, interviews were conducted with
officials in the Shamiyah Municipality Directorate.
Various data were obtained such as satellite images, quantitative data, some instructions
and notes, and interviews were conducted with some residents of the villages adjacent to the
landfill, as well as field collection of some spatial and descriptive data for the study


وال:المصادر العربية
1 -الوقائع العراقية |رقم العدد : 4225 |تاريخ العدد :09-01-2012
2 -الوقائع العراقية |رقم العدد : 4242 |تاريخ العدد :11-06-2012
3 -الوقائع العراقية |رقم العدد: 4328 |تاريخ العدد :07-07-2014
صادر األجنبية ثانيا: الم
1- Shri KantSingh and others, Open dumping site and health risks to proximate communities
in Mumbai, India: A cross-sectional case-comparison study, Clinical Epidemiology and
Global Health, Volume 9, January–March 2021
How to Cite
., A. P. D. I. N. A.-. (2022). The ranges of fly-away plastic and paper waste from Shamiyah landfill. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(2), 343-364. Retrieved from