The role of criminal law in protecting the family entity

  • Dr. Mustafa Rashid Abdel Hamza Al Kalabi .


The criminal law considers the family entity a supreme social interest worthy
of protection, so it criminalizes all actions and behaviors that affect it, and even
sacrifices penal justice to favor the protection of the family entity, as in the crime of
marital adultery in which the criminal case is only initiated based on the complaint of
the victim or his legal representative, as well as Wasting of proof evidence in crimes
that occur between spouses or between ascendants and descendants because the
testimony against some of them disturbs family security. The penal legislator also
extended his protection to the first family in the event of marriage to more than one
person or outside the court, so he placed restrictions represented in the legitimate
interest and financial sufficiency. Justice, and many other considerations that the
legislator took into account indicate that the criminal law has a major role in
protecting the family entity and supporting its ties.


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How to Cite
., D. M. R. A. H. A. K. (2022). The role of criminal law in protecting the family entity. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(2), 463-481. Retrieved from