Presence of color and its opposite in the Arab feminist novel Novel (current) model.

  • Prof. Dr. Taghreed Abdel Khaleq Hadi .


She drew for us (Munira Sewar) in her novel (Jariah), published by Dar AlAdab for Publishing and Distribution 2013; And the winner of the Katara Prize for
arabic novel for the year (2015) in the category of published novels, for raising an
important issue in Bahraini society in particular and the Arab Gulf in general, which
is the problem of black skin and its social and psychological repercussions . She
depicts her world with a beautiful and warm feeling, to transport the recipient to the
world of Arab women, which is in crisis with great social and economic
research revolved around a central theme in the novel, which is the presence
and absence of color in the life of the heroine (Joura) and the psychological
connotations of colors in the character of the heroine; As well as projections that
created a world of their own, colored in black and white


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How to Cite
., P. D. T. A. K. H. (2022). Presence of color and its opposite in the Arab feminist novel Novel (current) model. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(2), 145-158. Retrieved from