Spatial analysis of primary schools in Al-Bdeir district using (GIS)

  • Prof. Dr. Rafid Musa Abdel Hassoun Resea .


The study seeks to know the reality of the spatial distribution of primary schools in Al-Bdeir
district using GIS techniques and to indicate the extent of their functional efficiency in accordance
with the approved local planning standards in order to assess the efficiency and fairness of the
distribution of these services and to help support planning decision-making and improve the level of
management of the planning process so that the district can meet the needs the population of these
services with a kind of justice and equality, and the study relied on the descriptive analytical
approach and the quantitative approach in revealing the reality of their distribution and spatial
patterns and the quantitative approach in analyzing the data collected about these services The study
also used the contemporary applied trend of modern technologies represented by geographic
information systems technology, especially the Arc Gis 10,8 program, in the optimal handling of
the quantity and type of data and information collected about the study area through the application
of a set of statistical analyzes represented in the analysis of the neighborhood link, and the analysis
of distance , and analysis of the directional distribution tool, kernel analysis, actual and default rate
center analysis and service scope analysis), and to complete the requirements of the study, it relied
on personal interviews and exploratory visits about service institutions in the district, as well as
using a questionnaire for a community sample that amounted to (500) forms that included (19) A
question was distributed to a random sample of the population of the sub-district (urban and rural),
which numbered (63,426) people.


How to Cite
., P. D. R. M. A. H. R. (2022). Spatial analysis of primary schools in Al-Bdeir district using (GIS). Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(2), 233-259. Retrieved from