Administrative bureaucracy and social planning Analytical study of the poverty alleviation strategy project in Iraq

  • Doctor. Sami Jabbar Muhammad .


ministry of Planning has been developing plans to advance the country’s conditions. Those
who follow the reports of programs published by the Iraqi Ministry of Planning can clearly see the
enormity of the work of this ministry on developing strategic plans on the one hand, and temporal
plans on the other hand. However, what is actually accomplished of them does not really fit with
the published statistics issued by the Ministry.
Whoever reads the books issued by the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers feels
satisfied that caring for the poor gives a glimmer of hope on some projects sponsored by the
government to serve its people. This project is really big, as it witnessed some of the steps that were
implemented on the ground, but many factors have stood in the way of completing its achievement
so far, and it is the focus of discussion. Let us finally see what the project has achieved in tracking
its steps between planning and executing. the research will be detailed and divided into different
parts. The first part gives an introduction and definition of the problem and its importance, as well
as its terminology. Then, the second part talks about administrative bureaucracy and social
planning, the third part is devoted to knowing the social policy in Iraq after the change, and the
fourth part is devoted to knowing the elements of the success of the project and the challenges that
stand in front of its achievement, and the fifth one presents the national plan of Development in
Iraq, especially the city of Diwanyah, then the research gives conclusion, results and


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How to Cite
., D. S. J. M. (2022). Administrative bureaucracy and social planning Analytical study of the poverty alleviation strategy project in Iraq. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(2), 443-461. Retrieved from