Factors affecting the commercial function and its uses in Hilla city

  • Assistant Professor Dr : Amira Muhammad .


The commercial exploitation of the land represents the necessity of a great
deal of importance to meet the needs of the increasing population growth, not the
desires and requirements, and it is known on its territory, and then it expands to
neighboring lands, and sometimes even exceeds it to distant lands if the study aims to
identify the factors affecting the commercial function in the city of Hilla, the level of
services efficiency And the extent of the strength of its attraction to the residents of
Babil Governorate and the degree of population from the commercial services
provided and the ease of access through answering the study sample on the
questionnaire, and the researcher relied on the systematic approach by choosing a
geographical phenomenon, then used the regional approach to choose the city of
Hilla, and it was used to distribute the questionnaire.
The researcher relied on the systematic approach by choosing a geographical
phenomenon and then used the regional approach to choose the city of Hilla. The
distribution of the questionnaire was used for all the data and then analyzed using the
ARC GIS program( 81435) families.


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How to Cite
., A. P. D. : A. M. (2022). Factors affecting the commercial function and its uses in Hilla city. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(2), 261-293. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/499