Spatial analysis of the nurseries of the holy shrines of Imam Hussein and Abbasid in the holy city of Karbala

  • Prof. Dr. Salma Abdel-Razzaq Abd Laith A .


Nurseries are one of the most important reasons for the success and progress
of the agricultural renaissance, as it depends on the application of various advanced
scientific methods for the purpose of multiplying and producing seedlings and
planting ornamental plants, forest seedlings, etc. There are several considerations for
the establishment of nurseries, and nurseries are often established for commercial
purposes, and nurseries are affected by a number of natural geographical factors, the
most important of which are (climate, soil and water resources). (Capital, market,
labor experience and transportation methods) These nurseries are owned by the holy
shrines of Imam Husayn and Abbasid and the purpose of establishing these nurseries
is to provide what the holy shrines need of trees and plants in addition to investment
(commercial purposes), and there are more than one site for these nurseries and the
areas vary These sites are according to the geographical location and the price of the
land, and the plants in these nurseries vary, such as (seasonal, Dhaliya, annual,
perennial and ornamental), and there is more than one method of cultivation used in
these nurseries


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How to Cite
., P. D. S. A.-R. A. L. A. (2022). Spatial analysis of the nurseries of the holy shrines of Imam Hussein and Abbasid in the holy city of Karbala. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(2), 191-210. Retrieved from