The effect of lack of movement on poetic necessity, a morphological phonetic study

  • r Dr. nabaa Abdul Amir Abdul .


It is no secret to the Arab reader the importance of phonetic and morphological studies,
especially in the field of poetic necessity, in which the poet may resort to phonetic or morphological
phenomena that contradict what the Arabs are accustomed to of rules and linguistic principles
followed by Arab scholars, including the permissibility of omitting the movement of the eye (verb),
if it is The eye is broken or open, as the scholars are unanimously agreed on the possibility of
deleting the movement in the event of a fracture; Because the kasrah is a heavy movement that
requires effort in pronouncing it. Hence, it was possible to omit it to ease and reduce the effort, so
that it would be easier for the poet to pronounce. Because it is a light movement that does not
require effort in pronouncing it; This is why Sibawayh prohibited its deletion, but whoever
permitted deletion, he made it in the case of a sequence of movements that causes heaviness to the
speaker, which makes him omit one of the movements to facilitate his pronunciation


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How to Cite
., r D. nabaa A. A. A. (2022). The effect of lack of movement on poetic necessity, a morphological phonetic study. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(2), 133-144. Retrieved from