Building a test-based diagnostic test to detect errors in it Primary fifth pupils in mathematics

  • أ.م.د. أمل إسماعيل عايز جامعة المستنصرية/ كليةالتربية
Keywords: diagnostic test command language, factor analysis


The current research aims to build a diagnostic test in mathematics to detect errors among fifth-grade primary students in Iraq. To achieve this goal, the researcher followed a set of procedures, including determining the content of mathematics taught in the fifth primary grade issued by the Curriculum Directorate at the Ministry of Education in Iraq for the year ( 2014), and it includes twelve chapters or topics, the researcher derived from each chapter a number of goals and then set behavioral goals for each topic and then formulated paragraphs from them and made specifications for each paragraph to guide them in the formulation of paragraphs after which the researcher presented the goals and specifications of paragraphs to a group of arbitrators for Consider its suitability for behavioral goals. Behavioral goals reached (70) targets, of which (100) were derived, and all objectives and derived paragraphs were approved by experts at a rate of no less than (80%). Then, the test items that were listened to the multiple choice test were presented with four alternatives by One or more paragraphs for each behavioral goal and was presented to another group of arbitrators to indicate the extent of their suitability and fulfill the conditions for drafting paragraphs and alternatives to paragraphs, and it was shown in the light of expert opinions the validity of all paragraphs and their suitability for behavioral goals, and for the purpose of analyzing and examining the test paragraphs according to the Rush model the researcher applied the test to (400) ) Pupil A student who was chosen randomly from the General Directorate of Education in Baghdad / Rusafa the second for the academic year (2016-2017) and has verified the objectivity of measurement, including the assumption of (one-dimensional) in order to subject the test to the global analysis (the method of the basic components), which produced one factor of psychological meaning explained with limits ( 81.258) of the total variance, then the researcher used the computerized command-language program for the response of the paragraph (ICI) to scale the test paragraphs by estimating the parameters of the difficulty of the paragraph and the ability of the examiners to have the ability of the logistic unit and conduct a good conformity test and verify the availability of objective requirements in the measurement that are the indicators of validity and stability To test the stability

of the test and then calculate which amounted to (0.95).                         


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الملحق (1)أسماء السادة الخبراء ( المعلمين و المعلمات) الذين استعانت بهم الباحثة في إجراءات البحث من خلال التحقق من صلاحية الاهداف المعرفية للموضوعات.
How to Cite
إسماعيل عايزأ. أ. (2020). Building a test-based diagnostic test to detect errors in it Primary fifth pupils in mathematics. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 22(3), 353-447. Retrieved from