Sociology of education and work A reading of the unemployment phenomenon related to education

  • Dr . Zainab Mohammed Saleh .


The problem of linking education to work and the labor market has always
been one of the problems that emerged from contemporary life that can be observed
through the scientific level of its outputs, which does not block what the reality of
development aspires to for ministries and industrial institutions in the labor market. It
can be said that the curricula and curricula at the university levels for some
specializations do not correspond to the needs of the labor market. In other words, the
method of developing study programs and their decisions may not be done in
accordance with the basic needs of this labor market on the one hand, and on the
other hand, we find the amazing development in information and communication
technology and the use of information technologies in various sciences, which
imposes an urgent need to include them in the curricula and courses to keep pace
with the state of development In the world to achieve a direct link through what is
produced by the educational and educational process on which it is based with a
contemporary society and to communicate its objectives and enhance its role in
society in line with the level of the intellectual and technological revolution,
especially the labor market, raising the efficiency of university graduate workers and
achieving access to knowledge and scientific progress.


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How to Cite
., D. . Z. M. S. (2022). Sociology of education and work A reading of the unemployment phenomenon related to education. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(2), 381-394. Retrieved from