Obstacles to Agricultural Expansion in the Warka District

  • Intidar Ibrahim Hussein .
  • Jasim Wihoah Al-Jayshi .


It became clear through the research that there are many obstacles Agriculture
in Warka district suffers from multiple obstacles that prevent its expansion and
development, and among these obstacles are the salinity of the soil spread in large
parts of the lands of the study area, as well as the water deficit due to high
temperatures and increased evaporation because the prevailing climate is a hot desert
climate and the lack of use of modern technologies in agriculture and the lack of
Combating diseases and pests, low efficiency of services in rural areas, transportation
methods, unilateral production, reluctance to work in agriculture, as well as
government policies that are discouraging and supportive of agricultural expansion.
These things have all become obstacles that stand in the way of agricultural
expansion and it has become clear that there is a set of treatments that can be
mitigated. These constraints and then the possibility of agricultural expansion in the
study area.


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How to Cite
., I. I. H., & ., J. W. A.-J. (2022). Obstacles to Agricultural Expansion in the Warka District. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(2), 321-341. Retrieved from https://journalart.qu.edu.iq/index.php/QJHS/article/view/514