France and the Issue of Protecting Christian Minorities in the French-Syrian Treaty of 1936

  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Raed Abbas Fadhil al-S .


There is no doubt that the stage of concluding the French-Syrian treaty in 1936 was an important turning point in the history of the period of the French occupation of Syria. The historical protection is the protection of Christian minorities in the East, justifying their insistence on the issue of minorities and guaranteeing their rights in the treaty by basing them on the directives of the Mandate Committee in the League of Nations demanding that the rights of minorities be guaranteed and because the treaty would end the French mandate over Syria. Their interests and the consolidation of their sectarian policy in Syria after the demise of their mandate , so they made this issue in mind in return for a pledge of Syria 's independence , provided that this would be through a treaty between the two countries .

   The study is divided into four main sections:

The first topic: France's sectarian policy in Syria.

The second topic: the issue of minorities in the French-Syrian negotiations of 1936.

The third topic: the position of the Christian patriarchs on the issue of minorities.

The fourth topic: the issue of the protection of minorities in the French-Syrian treaty of 1936..





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How to Cite
., A. P. D. R. A. F. al-S. (2022). France and the Issue of Protecting Christian Minorities in the French-Syrian Treaty of 1936. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(2-2), 63-76. Retrieved from