Sustainable architecture as a strategy to reduce the exacerbation of the problem of global climate change towards warming

  • prof. Dr. Hussein Ali Abdul Hussein .


The research sheds light on the most important strategies that should be taken into
consideration within the international protocols to contribute to reducing the causes of the
aggravation of the problem of climate change towards the greenhouse effect, because of the
economic, environmental and political effects of this problem that were directly and indirectly
reflected on the fate of man and his future.
The research reviewed, analyzing the relationship between the excessive use of fossil fuels as a
dependent variable, and the amount of electrical energy produced as an explaining variable, as well
as the relationship between the effect of fossil energy consumption as an explaining variable and
the level of concentration of heat-retaining air pollutants within the Atmosphere represented by
greenhouse gases (GHG) , which in turn is divided into chlorofluorocarbons (CFCS),
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCS), and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCS) as dependent variables
for the period from the late nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century, as the
acceleration in the production of huge quantities of gaseous pollutants added to The Atmosphere -
an inevitable, indirect result of the spatial and climatic inadequacy for the implementation of
architectural design curricula as one of the most important determinants of the level of electrical
energy consumption and dependence on fossil energy, starting from the Renaissance architecture to
the products of modern architecture to postmodern architecture.
The architectural implementation process for design approaches was taken Motives and
justifications for its design characteristics that depend on functional requirements, away the climatic
aspects of spatial convenience, climatic adaptation, which created building that cause more damage
to the environment directly and indirectly, as it created a building which are inefficient in energy
consumption due to the absence of climate control with autonomous systems related to the (design
and planning) characteristics of the building, which negatively affected the level of thermal
performance, and the efficiency of the thermal performance of the building.
With this Effective systems have replaced autonomous systems in climate control in architecture,
those systems that depend on air conditioning and heating devices, which increased the
architecture’s consumption of electrical energy, and from here the research justifications came to
make the philosophy of ecological architecture with its different names (sustainable design, zeroenergy architecture, and green architecture) - a tool for rebalancing global ecosystems, which can
contribute to reducing one of the most important causes of accelerating climate change towards
global warming in the future. The research ends with a set of results and recommendations that can
be summarized as follows:
1-The architectural design curricula of the Renaissance and modernity stages have increased the
concentrations of greenhouse gases, 


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How to Cite
., prof. D. H. A. A. H. (2022). Sustainable architecture as a strategy to reduce the exacerbation of the problem of global climate change towards warming. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(2), 19-50. Retrieved from