Alienation from God as the mediator variable in the Relationship between Types of identity confusion and Meaninglessness

  • Asst. Prof. Ali Abdul-Raheem Salih .


This study aimed at detecting the causal model (Alienation from God as the
mediator variable in the Relationship between types of identity confusion and
Meaninglessness in students. The sample of the study consisted of (300) students.
The sample responded to set scales s are: Alienation from God, types of identity
confusion and Meaninglessness. After testing model using a Path Analysis through
Amos (software) , the model fit indices showed that the model fitted the data
satisfactorily, the model achieved of goodness of fit in the good rang according
indices: (χ2 =0.000, df = 1, P-value=0.990, CFI = 1.000, RMSEA =0.000, TLI
=1.048, NFI =1.000, AGFI=1.000, RMR=0.006, IFI=1.005), which indicated that
alienation from God increases the degree of relationship between types of identity
confusion (diffusion and foreclosure) and the feeling of Meaninglessness.


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How to Cite
., A. P. A. A.-R. S. (2022). Alienation from God as the mediator variable in the Relationship between Types of identity confusion and Meaninglessness. Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences, 25(2), 559-594. Retrieved from